Here you can download our current and detailed price list. In the diving sector it has unfortunately become common practice to attract the attention of the customer with a price that at first sight seems to be very reasonable. The fact that in retrospect almost a third of the original price is added for certification and course materials, is of course unknown to most at the beginning. We deliberately distance ourselves from this kind of approach. Our prices are final prices - no hidden costs.
Unfortunately, we don't accept girocards and credit cards yet. But we are already working on a solution.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly via email to or via our contact form.
2x Landtauchgang mit 12l Füllung (komplette Ausrüstung inklusive Flasche+Blei vorhanden)
6€ + 2x 9€ + 2x 11,40€ = 46,80€
brauchst du noch die Komplettausrüstung und den Tauchcomputer, so kommen noch 45€ + 9€ = 54€ hinzu. Diese Preise gelten für den ganzen Tag.
Also 2x Landtauchgang mit 12l Leih-Flasche, Komplettausrüstung und Tauchcomputer sind 100,80€.
Möchtest du noch bei beiden Tauchgängen einen Guide, so sind zusätzlich 2x 24€ zu bezahlen.
Also das All-In-Paket 148,80€.
2x Bootstauchgang sind entsprechend 2x 8€ = 16€ zusätzlich.